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Docherty Family
Site Awards M through P

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We are aware of the time and effort that goes into creating a successful web presentation. First of all, we thank you for inviting us to your fine website and the opportunity to review it. Your website was reviewed by one or more of our evaluators, and it gives me great pleasure to report that you application was successful, and present you with our MAESTRO AWARD OF EXCELLENCE!

[Awarded 3-11-01] Program Retired
Maestro Award
Hi We took you up on your invitation to take a look at your site, and were very impressed by what we saw. Congratulations on being awarded the Medaille d'Or for it!

[Awarded 4-16-01] Program Retired
Medaille d'Or
Millennium Design is pleased to present your site with its Silver Award. As a winner your site has been viewed by an International panel of judges and has scored very well in all categories. Congratulations on a great site. Your site is now listed in our hall of fame at

[Awarded 3-31-01] Program Retired
Millennium Silver
Let me say that I am proud to have your Website the Docherty Family listed as a winner of Mesweet's Awards. I found your site one of the best personal family websites that I have seen in a long time. I appreciated how easy you made the navigation and your design was wonderful. I also liked how you told about your town, which to me made your site resourceful. I enjoyed the visual effects by the way you added pictures to your information, it helped to make your site even more interesting. Great Website.

[Awarded 3-31-01]
Mesweet Bronze
Congratulations! After careful review, we have chosen your site (The Docherty Family) as a winner of My ParenTime's Informed Parent Award! We offer this award strictly to those web owners who have a parenting or family-related website, and who are providing free informative content to visitors of their family-friendly website. Your website also meets the strict criteria for the Informed Site Award. My ParenTime believes your website makes the Internet community a better place! You are providing informative content to your visitors, and we'd like to thank you! Congratulations again on displaying an Informed Site!

[Awarded 3-22-01] Program Retired
Informed Parent Award
CONGRATULATIONS! Your site, The Docherty Family has been chosen to receive the Magical Web Award for excellence in a Non-Business/Non-Profit & Personal Web Site. We applaud your efforts...

[Awarded 4-17-01] Program Retired
Magical Web Award
Comhghairdeas, Jim ~ Congratulations! Your site has won Nancy's Celtic Award. This award is not given lightly. As an Irish-American educator and author, presenting information about my Celtic heritage is very important to me. I only bestow this award on the very best Celtic sites on the 'Net that present the Celtic culture in an informative, entertaining and educational context. I was particularly enthused by your site and congratulate you for creating an exceptional Celtic site!

[Awarded 3-18-01]
Nancy's Celtic Award
Thank you for applying for an Optical Resolution award. We have reviewed your application, and are pleased to inform you that your site has won the Optical Resolution Design Excellence award. Your site has been added to our winners database, and will be permanently displayed in the "Design Excellence" category of our winners directory. Congratulations on a job well done!

[Awarded 5-2-01]
Optical Resolution Design Award
Dear Jim, Your web site "The Docherty Family" has given much pleasure to us during the evaluation process and we were impressed with the standard of quality you provided for viewing. It is not easy to earn awards from our Program, as may have been seen from our on-site statisitics, but your web site stands out as one of the best and it gives me great pleasure to send you your new Award. We are fully aware that much time and effort goes into the creation of web sites and we hope that you will view your new Award as a reflection of your achievement. We thank you for inviting us to visit with you and for assisting through your web site to make the World Wide Web a more pleasant place for all who use the Internet.

[Awarded 10-25-01] Program Retired
Otakou Silver
Congratulations on your achievement! I am pleased to present "The Docherty Family" with the Perfect Vision Silver Award. Your elegant and skillful presentation of unique content ensures your status as a creative visionary. Thanks again for your participation in the program, and for awarding me the opportunity to evaluate your excellent website.

[Awarded 10-22-01]
Perfect Vision Silver
Your site has been evaluated by the PeaceWork Certified Sites Judges' Panel and has been designated a Merit Certified Site! This Certification assures your visitors that your site is attractive, has interesting content, few (if any) dead links and navigates easily. It also assures you that all your hours of design and research have nor been in vain. Our panel is comprised of several judges with differing levels of Web expertise. Most of us are graphic designers, and/or have our own awards programs. That in itself tells folks a lot about your site.

[Awarded 11-7-01]
PeaceWork Merit
Congratulations! We have reviewed your web site and felt it deserving of our Private Eye Excellence Award! You have obviously worked hard on your location as we considered it in the top 5% of all sites reviewed by our three member panel of judges. Since we began our program over 8,000 web sites have been reviewed and there have been only 500+ winners like you.

[Awarded 5-9-01] Program Retired
Private Eye Excellence Award
We took a tour of your web site and feel that your site meets the criteria of our Web Author's Choice Award...Congratulations!

[Awarded 4-5-01] Program Retired
Web Author's Choice Award
Congratulations!!...You are one of the first "Purple Rose Award" winners. What is the significance of this award? A rose is a symbol of love. You clearly demonstrate a true love and passion for your site. I enjoyed my visit. Thank you for making a positive contribution to the web. My standards are high and the Purple Rose Award is a challenge to win. You earned it! Again, congratulations and thank you so much for submitting your outstanding site for consideration.

[Awarded 4-29-01] Program Retired
Purple Rose Award
Hi Jim Docherty Fantastic site!!! The exact type of site the award was started for -- not specifically about great graphics or coding, but a site that HAD to be bookmarked and returned to. Ate up about five pages as quick as I could when I reviewed you, and will be back later to finish. Thanks

[Awarded 5-17-01]
Vision Award
Congratulations!!!!!! I have just been reviewing the sites that did apply for Peter's Corner GoldenWeb Award this month and in competition with lots of other great sites, your site is the one! Your site really meets all the criteria necessary to receive this great award. I have decided your site to be the winner of Peter's Corner GoldenWeb Award this month. I am very proud to have you as a winner of my award! Thank you for applying and hopefully we will meet again in the future. Best regards, Peter Lövgren

[Awarded 5-24-01] Program Retired
Golden Web Award